import requests
import youtube_dl
import os
+import datetime
def videos():
totpages = requests.get("").json()['totalPages']
return cluster['name']
return "Ingen genre"
+def svtplay_meta2xml(meta):
+ return f"""
+ <Tags>
+ <Tag>
+ <Simple>
+ <Name>TITLE</Name>
+ <String>{meta['programTitle']} - {meta['title']}</String>
+ </Simple>
+ <Simple>
+ <Name>DESCRIPTION</Name>
+ <String>{meta['shortDescription']}</String>
+ </Simple>
+ <Simple>
+ <Name>DATE_RELEASED</Name>
+ <String>{meta['year']}</String>
+ </Simple>
+ <Simple>
+ <Name>SYNOPSIS</Name>
+ <String>{meta['description']}</String>
+ </Simple>
+ </Tag>
+ </Tags>
+ """
def download(video):
# print(video)
if video['live']:
path = Path(genre) / Path(video['programTitle'].replace('/','_'))
if not path.exists():
- postprocessors = []
- postprocessors.append( { 'key': 'EmbedThumbnail', })
- postprocessors.append( { 'key': 'FFmpegMetadata', })
+ apa = video['id']
+# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+ if video['season'] == 0 and not video['movie']: #not a series, something like Rapport
+ validf = datetime.datetime.strptime(video['validFrom'],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
+ valids = validf.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H")
+ title = f"{video['programTitle']} {valids}"
+ if not video['movie'] and video['season'] != 0:
+ title = f"{video['programTitle']} S{video['season']}E{video['episodeNumber']} {video['title']}"
+ with open(f"{path}/{video['id']}.xml","w") as xmlfile:
+ xmlfile.write(svtplay_meta2xml(video))
+ add_subs = ''
+ if video['closedCaptioned']:
+ add_subs = f"'{path}/'*{apa}*.vtt"
ydl_opts = { 'download_archive': 'svtplay.archive',
'writesubtitles': True,
'allsubtitles': True,
'writethumbnail': True,
'outtmpl' : f'{path}/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s',
- 'postprocessors': postprocessors, }
- extra_info = { 'id': video['id'],
- 'title': video['programTitle'] + ' - ' + video['title'],
- 'description': video.get('description',''),
+ 'postprocessors': [
+ {
+ 'key': 'ExecAfterDownload',
+ 'exec_cmd': f"echo {{}} && mkvmerge --global-tags '{path}'/{apa}.xml --attach-file '{path}/'*{apa}*jpg '{path}'/*{apa}*.mp4 {add_subs} -o '{path}/{title}.mkv' && rm '{path}'/*{apa}*",
+ }]
+ }
+ extra_info = { 'id': apa,
+ 'title': title,
+ xml = svtplay_meta2xml(video)
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
ydl.extract_info(""+video['contentUrl'], extra_info=extra_info)