]> git.frykholm.com Git - svtplaydump.git/blame_incremental - svtplaydump.py
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[svtplaydump.git] / svtplaydump.py
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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# (C) Copyright 2010 Mikael Frykholm <mikael@frykholm.com>
6# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9# (at your option) any later version.
11# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14# GNU General Public License for more details.
16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
19# Changelog:
20# 0.4 added mirror mode.
21# 0.3 added apple streaming playlist parsing and decryption
22# 0.2 added python 2.4 urlparse compatibility
23# 0.1 initial release
25from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Doctype
26from subprocess import *
27import re
28from Crypto.Cipher import AES
29import struct
30import argparse
31import requests
32import sys, os
33import socket
34import feedparser
35from datetime import datetime, timezone
36class Video(dict):
37 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
38 self.update(dict(*args, **kwargs)) # use the free update to set keys
40 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
41 return self.__setitem__(name,value)
43 def __getattr__(self, name):
44 return self.__getitem__(name)
46 def is_downloaded(self):
47 raise("NotImplemented")
49def scrape_player_page(video):
50 """
51 Try to scrape the site for video and download.
52 """
53 if not video['url'].startswith('http'):
54 video['url'] = "http://www.svtplay.se" + video['url']
55 soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(video['url']).text)
56 video_player = soup.body('a',{'data-json-href':True})[0]
57 if 'oppetarkiv.se' in video['url']:
58 flashvars = requests.get("http://www.oppetarkiv.se/%s"%video_player.attrs['data-json-href']+"?output=json").json()
59 else:
60 if video_player.attrs['data-json-href'].startswith("/wd"):
61 flashvars = requests.get("http://www.svt.se/%s"%video_player.attrs['data-json-href']).json()
62 else:
63 flashvars = requests.get("http://www.svtplay.se/%s"%video_player.attrs['data-json-href']+"?output=json").json()
64 video['duration'] = video_player.attrs.get('data-length',0)
65 if not video['title']:
66 video['title'] = soup.find('meta',{'property':'og:title'}).attrs['content'].replace('|','_').replace('/','_')
67 if not 'genre' in video:
68 if soup.find(text='Kategori:'):
69 video['genre'] = soup.find(text='Kategori:').parent.parent.a.text
70 else:
71 video['genre'] = 'Ingen Genre'
72 if 'dynamicStreams' in flashvars:
73 video['url'] = flashvars['dynamicStreams'][0].split('url:')[1].split('.mp4,')[0] +'.mp4'
74 filename = video['title']+".mp4"
75 print(Popen(["rtmpdump","-o"+filename,"-r", url], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])
76 if 'pathflv' in flashvars:
77 rtmp = flashvars['pathflv'][0]
78 filename = video['title']+".flv"
79 print(Popen(["mplayer","-dumpstream","-dumpfile",filename, rtmp], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])
80 if not 'timestamp' in video:
81 if soup.find_all(datetime=True):
82 xmldate_str = soup.find_all(datetime=True)[0].attrs['datetime']
83 video['timestamp'] = datetime(*feedparser._parse_date_w3dtf(xmldate_str)[:6]) #naive in utc
84 video['timestamp'] = video['timestamp'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None) #convert to local time
85 if 'video' in flashvars:
86 for reference in flashvars['video']['videoReferences']:
87 if 'm3u8' in reference['url']:
88 video['url']=reference['url']
89 video['filename'] = video['title']+'.ts'
90 if 'statistics' in flashvars:
91 video['category'] = flashvars['statistics']['category']
92 if not download_from_playlist(video):
93 return False
94 if not 'url' in video:
95 print("Could not find any streams")
96 return False
97 return video
99def download_from_playlist(video):
100 playlist = parse_playlist(requests.get(video['url']).text)
101 if not playlist:
102 return
103 videourl = sorted(playlist, key=lambda k: int(k['BANDWIDTH']))[-1]['url']
104 if not videourl.startswith('http'): #if relative path
105 videourl = "{}/{}".format(os.path.dirname(video['url']), videourl)
106 segments, metadata = parse_segment_playlist(videourl)
107 if "EXT-X-KEY" in metadata:
108 key = requests.get(metadata["EXT-X-KEY"]['URI'].strip('"')).text
109 decrypt=True
110 else:
111 decrypt=False
112 with open("%s"%video['filename'],"wb") as ofile:
113 segment=0
114 size = 0
115 for url in segments:
116 try:
117 ufile = requests.get(url, stream=True).raw
118 except:
119 print("Error reading, skipping file") #FIXME mark file as failed
120 print(sys.exc_info()[1])
121 return False
122 print("\r{0:.2f} MB".format(size/1024/1024),end="")
123 sys.stdout.flush()
124 if decrypt:
125 iv=struct.pack("IIII",segment,0,0,0)
126 decryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
127 while(True):
128 try:
129 buf = ufile.read(4096)
130 except:
131 print("Error reading, skipping file") #FIXME mark file as failed
132 print(sys.exc_info()[1])
133 return False
134 if not buf:
135 break
136 if decrypt:
137 buf = decryptor.decrypt(buf)
138 ofile.write(buf)
139 size += len(buf)
140 segment += 1
142 if 'thumb-url' in video:
143 video['thumb'] = requests.get(video['thumb-url'],stream=True).raw
144 return True
146def parse_playlist(playlist):
147 if not playlist.startswith("#EXTM3U"):
148 print(playlist)
149 return False
150 playlist = playlist.splitlines()
151 while not 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF' in playlist[0]:
152 playlist = playlist[1:]
153 items=[]
154 for (metadata_string,url) in zip(playlist[0::2], playlist[1::2]):
155 md = Video()
156 if not 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF' in metadata_string.split(':')[0]:
157 continue
158 for item in metadata_string.split(':')[1].split(','):
159 if '=' in item:
160 md.update([item.split('='),])
161 md['url']=url
162 items.append(md)
163 return items
165def parse_segment_playlist(playlisturl):
166 playlist = requests.get(playlisturl).text
167 assert playlist.startswith("#EXTM3U")
168 PATTERN = re.compile(r'''((?:[^,"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+)''')
169 segments = []
170 next_is_url=False
171 metadata = {}
172 for row in playlist.splitlines():
173 if next_is_url:
174 if not row.startswith('http'): #if relative path
175 row = "{}/{}".format(os.path.dirname(playlisturl), row)
176 segments.append(row)
177 next_is_url=False
178 continue
179 if 'EXTINF' in row:
180 next_is_url=True
181 if "EXT-X-KEY" in row:
182 row = row.split(':',1)[1] #skip first part
183 parts = PATTERN.split(row)[1:-1] #do magic re split and keep quotes
184 metadata["EXT-X-KEY"] = dict([part.split('=',1) for part in parts if '=' in part]) #throw away the commas and make dict of the pairs
185 return(segments, metadata)
187def parse_videolist():
188 page_num = 1
189 soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get("http://www.svtplay.se/ajax/videospager").text)#this call does not work for getting the pages, we use it for the page totals only
190 page_tot = int(soup.find('a',{'data-currentpage':True}).attrs['data-lastpage'])
191 videos_per_page = 8
192 video_num = 0
193 while(page_num <= page_tot):
194 base_url = "http://www.svtplay.se/ajax/videos?sida={}".format(page_num)
195 soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(base_url).text)
196 for article in soup.findAll('article'):
197 meta = dict(article.attrs)
198 video = Video()
199 video['title'] = meta['data-title']
200 video['description'] = meta['data-description']
201 video['url'] = dict(article.find('a').attrs)['href']
202 video['thumb-url'] = dict(article.find('img',{}).attrs)['src']
203 video['num'] = video_num
204 video['total'] = page_tot * videos_per_page
205 video_num += 1
206 yield video
207 page_num += 1
209def remux(video, xml=None):
210 basename = video['filename'].split('.ts')[0]
211 if 'genre' in video:
212 if not os.path.exists(video['genre']):
213 os.mkdir(video['genre'])
214 video['path'] = os.path.join(video['genre'],basename+'.mkv')
215 else:
216 video['path'] = basename+'.mkv'
217 command = ["mkvmerge","-o",video['path'], '--title',video['title']]
219 if xml:
220 with open(basename+'.xml','w') as f:
221 f.write(xml)
222 command.extend(['--global-tags',basename+'.xml'])
223 if 'thumb' in video:
224 with open('thumbnail.jpg','wb') as f: #FIXME use title instead for many downloaders
225 f.write(video['thumb'].read())
226 command.extend(['--attachment-description', "Thumbnail",
227 '--attachment-mime-type', 'image/jpeg',
228 '--attach-file', 'thumbnail.jpg'])
229 command.append(video['filename'])
230 print(Popen(command, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])
231 for fname in (video['filename'], basename+'.xml','thumbnail.jpg'):
232 try:
233 os.unlink(fname)
234 except:
235 pass
236 if 'timestamp' in video:
237 try:
238 os.utime(video['path'], times=(video['timestamp'].timestamp(),video['timestamp'].timestamp()))
239 except FileNotFoundError as e:
240 print(e)
243def mkv_metadata(video):
244 root = BeautifulSoup(features='xml')
245 root.append(Doctype('Tags SYSTEM "matroskatags.dtd"'))
246 tags = root.new_tag("Tags")
247 tag = root.new_tag("Tag")
248 tags.append(tag)
249 root.append(tags)
250 keep = ('title','description', 'url','genre')
251 targets = root.new_tag("Targets")
252 ttv = root.new_tag("TargetTypeValue")
253 ttv.string = str(50)
254 targets.append(ttv)
255 tag.append(targets)
256 for key in video:
257 if not key in keep:
258 continue
259 simple = root.new_tag('Simple')
260 name = root.new_tag('Name')
261 name.string=key.upper()
262 simple.append(name)
263 sstring = root.new_tag('String')
264 sstring.string=video[key]
265 simple.append(sstring)
266 tag.append(simple)
267 return str(root)
269if __name__ == "__main__":
270 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
271 group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
272 group.add_argument("-r", "--rss", help="Download all files in rss")
273 group.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="Download video in url")
274 group.add_argument("-m", "--mirror", help="Mirror all files", action="store_true")
275 parser.add_argument("-n", "--no_act", help="Just print what would be done, don't do any downloading.", action="store_true")
276 parser.add_argument("--no_remux", help="Don't remux into mkv", action="store_true")
278 args = parser.parse_args()
279 if args.rss:
280 d = feedparser.parse(args.rss)
281 for e in d.entries:
282 print(("Downloading: %s"%e.title))
283 if args.no_act:
284 continue
285 video = scrape_player_page({'title':e.title,'url':e.link})
286 if args.no_remux:
287 continue
288 self.remux(video)
289 #print(e.description)
290 if args.mirror:
291 if not os.path.exists('.seen'):
292 os.mkdir('.seen')
293 for video in parse_videolist():
294 video['title'] = video['title'].replace('/','_')
295 print(video['title']+'.mkv')
296 print("{} of {}".format(video['num'], video['total']))
298 if os.path.exists(os.path.join('.seen',video['title'])):
299 print("Skipping")
300 continue
301 print("Downloading...")
302 if args.no_act:
303 continue
304 open(os.path.join('.seen',video['title']),'w').close() #touch
305 ret = scrape_player_page(video)
306 if not ret:
307 if not os.path.exists('.failed'):
308 os.mkdir('.failed')
309 open(os.path.join('.failed',video['title']),'w').close() #touch
310 continue
311 video = ret
312 if args.no_remux:
313 continue
314 xml = mkv_metadata(video)
315 remux(video, xml)
317 else:
318 if not args.no_act:
319 video = scrape_player_page({'url':args.url})
320 if not args.no_remux:
321 remux({'title':e.title})
322 print(("Downloaded {}".format(args.url)))